Sunday, July 26, 2009

JoyAward this fall is for first time female film-makers who would like to create erotic films that dare to question porn clichés and show sex in innovative and creative ways.
Did you know that only 6% of directors in Hollywood are female? This percentage is even smaller in the adult industry. 95% of erotic films are still shot by men for men....
Petra Joy is a veteran of female-focused porn and has always promoted female sexual liberation and self expression in her erotic films, books and workshops for women.
The theme of the short film competition is: “What is erotic to you?”
The best films will be selected by the jury. The best three films will be shown at the “Pornfilmfest” in Berlin in October. This is also where the awards will be presented.

So, girls send in you films!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Körperschmuck Piercings statt Wirtschaftkrise

Hier eine Meldung unseres Partners für Körperschmuck zur Wirtschaftskrise:

Liebe Piercingschmuck Freunde,

die Weltwirtschaftskrise ist in den letzten Wochen und Monaten in aller Munde. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns entschlossen dagegen anzugehen mit unserem Konjunkturprogramm.

3. Konjunkturprogramm bis zum 31.07.2009:

1 GRATIS Piercing frei nach Auswahl (aus unserer GRATIS Piercing Kategorie) auf jede Bestellung die bei uns bis zum 31.07.2009 eingeht.

Hier klicken um zum GRATIS Piercing zu gelangen

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Das SkinArt Team